Credit Suisse 1 ounce 999.5 Palladium Bar.
Each bar contains 1 Ounce of 99.95% investment grade palladium bullion.
The Credit Suisse Palladium Bar features the Credit Suisse Logo, with the weight, size and fineness on the front of the bar. At the bottom of the bar is the serial number. The serial number is also located on the certicard.
Credit Suisse Palladium bars are manufactured by Valcambi, one of Switzerland's four main precious metals refineries, for the bank. Credit Suisse currently only sell their palladium bar in the one ounce size.
Credit Suisse also manufacture gold, silver and platinum bars for investors. Credit Suisse gold bars are available in sizes from 1 gram to 1 kilogram. Silver bars from Credit Suisse are available from 1 ounce to 1 kilogram. Credit Suisse produces platinum bars in 1 ounce size only.
Each bar comes with original matching assay certificate that guarantees the fineness and weight of pure palladium.
These Credit Suisse palladium bars are popular with palladium investors as they have a low premium relative to the palladium cost, and Credit Suisse is a well known brand in the precious metals market.
To view the current palladium price, please
click here.
Price includes free insured storage in our vault for up to one year from purchase date.